I've discovered one of the great secrets of motherhood. It's not a Boppy, a bouncy chair or a binky. It's inexpensive, and frankly so inexcusably simple I can't believe I didn't get it sooner. With it, I'm happy and polite; without it, I'm a snarling, vicious crab. What is it you may ask? What could it possibly be? It's a 9:00pm bed time.
Alas, I'm a night person. I've struggled with bedtimes ever since I was seven. The Cosby show aired at 8pm and I wanted to stay up and watch it- which meant I didn't really go to sleep until 9:00pm every night. Unless I also watched Family Ties, which aired right after the Cosby Show and got me into bed by 9:30pm. It's just been downhill from there... until now. I no longer have a choice- twins are far too wearing and I'll be dead by the time they're two if I don't do something. Gone are the days of starting a movie at 8:30pm, or catching up on my emails at 10pm, or getting into a really good book and letting myself read it into the wee hours. Farewell, oh burning- of- the- midnight- oil. I'm replacing you with the smiling freshness I can greet my little guys with at 5am, when I've had a deliciously good night's sleep.
God give me the the serenity to accept the fact that trying to get my scrapbooking started at 8:45pm is a bad idea, the courage to wait until Thursday to find out what happened in Lost because it now starts at 10pm, and the wisdom to know that I can sometimes use the early bedtime as an excuse for not getting the dishes done.