Saturday, March 06, 2010


Last fall Ian started looking around for a soccer league/class to put the boys in. The leagues don't start yet for their age group and the 3 yr old workshops were pricey. Very pricey. And since I'm all about the DIY movement I asked Ian what he thought about doing a soccer class for the kids we know who are 3-4. Ian co-coached his younger sister's team and he's played a lot of soccer growing up (plus his stepdad played on the US Olympic team so EVERYONE plays soccer in his family) so it seemed like a good fit. I think it's a huge testament to what a great dad Ian is because he decided to go for it! I was surprised at how many other people wanted to do it too, almost everyone we asked signed up, so we wound up with 13 kids in the class. Everybody pitched in $40 for equipment and Ian got a bunch of soccer dvds, did some research online, and came up with some games.

I think the best thing about it is that we get the kids running around outside and having fun together. I think that Ian is amazing to leave work early every Wednesday afternoon and wear himself out running around good-heartedly with all those kids. A couple of the other dads lend a hand too so it's fun. I'm just amazed at what he's been able to do with this age group, and how well he's kept his patience with them. We're seven weeks into it and I've seen the kids really improving.

I just love the community that we have here! When I think about moving to a place that doesn't have a huge group of kids our kids' age I feel like it's going to be such a downgrade in lifestyle. We do so many things together- gymnastics on Mondays, bike riding at the church on Tuesdays, soccer on Wednesdays, Musicmakers on Fridays, Disneyland trips, Joy School, playdates, babysitting swaps... wow when I really think about it the list of fun, free activities that provide my kids some fun, low-opportunities to play with others and learn some things is HUGE! These things aren't going all year round, and I don't make it to all of them, but it's great to know that they're there and that I'm in this with a bunch of colleagues.
We really do have an amazing life here right now.


Katey said...

It sounds like so much fun! Kudos to Ian for such a great job. Hang on to such a good community of friends with children so close to you-it is a great advantage in being a family, and one which Jason and I are keenly feeling the lack of these days. Enjoy it all you can, but then it sounds like you already do!

LiNds said...

What adorable pics! Looks like everyone's having a great time. What was that age group called when Beej was in it? Snoopies?

lyndsey said...

gah. is there anything cuter than little kids running around a soccer field?? way to go get the dad of the week award; what a great teacher.

ashlee said...

Can you email me all of these pictures? I love this time in my life. I just want it to last forever. I love the picture of Julian picking his nose! Classic.

Justin said...

I love the last picture - you've become such a talented photographer. I love this time and this neighborhood too.

Morgan Moore said...

Oh this looks so fun! Henry would have loved this!


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