Since most of the books I've read about twins are written by parents of one set of twins, it wouldn't be too far-fetched to assume that I might be some kind of twins expert since I have two sets (something I still can't quite believe.) Being a twins expert could not be farther from the truth, most of the time I feel COMPLETELY lost. But something I've discovered that has been quite surprising to me is that exclusively breastfeeding twins (incl. the occasional expressed bottle) has been much easier than bottle feeding them.
Caleb and Julian bottle fed full-time, and I exclusively breast feed Jack and Christian so I have a good basis for comparison. I think the thing about breastfeeding is that it saves soooo much time. Not only can I just pop the guys on the breast without worrying about preparing formula, buying formula, washing bottles, clearing bottles, buying new bottles etc. (we haven't spent one dollar on formula so far) but I can also feed the babies at the same time with a special pillow, something I was never able to safely do with bottle feeding.
Not only is it easier for me, but it's way easier for Ian. He barely has to do anything when it comes to feeding, so he can help out in other ways.
I have to say, breastfeeding wasn't easier at first. We had to work through some latching kinks, and going out is a bit tricky. I always have to pump at some point if I leave, so that's a drag. Also, I was really worried that I wasn't making enough milk. But I took care not to give any formula bottles and my milk supply has kept up.
We're three months into this now and so far everything is going swimmingly. It's thanksgiving season, and while I realize this doesn't work for everybody, its works for me and this is something I am so grateful for.