Monday, February 04, 2008

My first quilt

Alright, so it's not perfect. I had some kind of setback at every single step along the way, from the very beginning when I chose a couple fabrics that just did NOT work together and had to pull out what felt like a million seams to achieve colour harmony in all 16 rows, to cutting my backing a liiitttle too shy of my front, to cutting my ties too short so they were just little baby stubs... anyways, I finally got her done. The process was so fun and I have to say that the end result is a very cheerful comfort indeed. I enjoyed the creative outlet that didn't require the level of intense concentration I have to draw upon when I edit, and I also liked the fact that I could pick it up and put it down at a moment's notice and didn't have to get frustrated about it (this last thing is something I've found to be very key with my two active and increasingly demanding little dudes). Also, so many other ladies in my ward are into quilting that it turned out to be a great bonding experience throughout the process. A group of us hit the fabric district on Saturday and I purchased the goods for my next quilt. I think the best part will be this weekend when I give the quilt to my sister-in-law Faith as a support gift during a crazy time in her lift.
As a random aside, I noticed that the outlandishly cute new line of baby girl dresses on Shabby uses a ton of fabrics I used in my quilt, and that I just bought for my new quilt.

Hmm... a new project idea? I better master this first.


Our Family said...

Wow Melissa- It looks awesome! way to work through the pain. I am excited to see the next one.

Sherry Carpet said...

Gorgeous! I'm totally impressed. And I see that you discovered Amy Butler fabrics! I just got turned on to them myself and I can't wait to start some projects. I have one for you, Melissa -- making play pants for the boys out of old t-shirts. It's super easy, way fun and you don't worry about anything they do while wearing them. I'll send you the link. -Krista

Amberly said...

I love it! The colors are really terrific and the effort was totally worth it. I hope you enjoyed the process despite the frustration it causes!

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