Tuesday, April 22, 2008

LA FoodBank

Since serving as the Activities Committee co-chair of my ward I've stressed out a lot about how many people are going to show up at our activities. Normally, this isn't a cause of too much concern, but since we've been given a mandate to turn all of our activities into community service opportunities- most of which require a minimum amount of people to show up to get the job done- I've been a bit worried. Last month we did a Blood Drive. The success was... middling. The Red Cross wanted a minimum of 50 pints to make it worth the expense of sending in their nurse-troops. Even though we had a lot of people show up, we only wound up squeezing 30 pints (I'm glad every single one of those people came because 30 sounds better than 29). I was nervous about our next activity, loading up boxes of food for distribution to 5,000 needy families. About 10 people signed up on Sunday and I figured we were in huuuge trouble. But the day of proved me wrong, we had a fantastic turn out and a ton of fun as we completed all the assignments they had for us and more. The best part was the warm fuzzy that serving gives. aaww.

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